国際招待講演 (2009年)
- Chin S, Ohno S. Ocular Inflammatory Disease: New suture-trabeculotomy for glaucoma. The 12th Seoul National University-Hokkaido University Joint Symposium: Seoul, Korea; 2009/11/19
- Kitaichi N, Ohno S. Young Investigator Award Lecture: Low prevalence of juvenile-onset Behcet’s disease with uveitis in east/south Asian people. The 2nd International Uveitis Symposium/ The 3rd Asia-Pacific Intraocular Inflammation Symposium/ The 8th Chinese Ocular Immunology Symposium: Chongqing, China; 2009/11/6
- Kitaichi N. Infectious uveitis and intraocular inflammation. The 24th Congress of Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) and American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Joint Meeting: Bali, Indonesia; 2009/5/19
- Ohno S. Ocular Inflammatory Disease: Clinical pictures of sarcoidosis. The 12th Seoul National University-Hokkaido University Joint Symposium: Seoul, Korea; 2009/11/19
- Ohno S. Ocular Inflammatory Disease: Usefulness of rapid diagnostic kit for allergic conjunctivitis. The 12th Seoul National University-Hokkaido University Joint Symposium: Seoul, Korea; 2009/11/19
- Ohno S, Namba K, Kitaichi N, Ishida S. Clinical features of intraocular inflammation in Asia-Pacific region. The 4th Congress of the Asia-Pacific Vitreo-Retinal Society: Taipei, Taiwan; 2009/11/12
- Ohno S, Kitaichi N, Namba K. Intraocular inflammation in Asia. The 2nd International Uveitis/ The 3rd Asia Pacific Intraocular Inflammation/The 8th Chinese Ocular Immunology Combined Symposium: Chongqing, China; 2009/11/6
- Ohno S, Lennikov A. Clinical features of Behcet’s disease. Meeting in Research Institution of Rheumatology Diseases: Moscow, Russia; 2009/9/15
- Ohno S. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. SOE 2009: The 17th Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology: Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2009/6/13
- Ohno S, Hirose S, Kitaichi N. Early systemic corticosteroid therapy may reduce ocular complications in Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. The 6th International Workshop on Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease & sympathetic ophthalmia/ The 2nd International workshop on Sarcoidosis, Singapore, Singapore; 2009/2/28
- Ohno S, Kitaichi N. Diagnosis of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. The 6th International Workshop on Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease & sympathetic ophthalmia/ The 2nd International workshop on Sarcoidosis, Singapore, Singapore; 2009/2/27
- Ohno S, Horie Y, Kitaichi N. Epidemiology and genetics of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. The 6th International Workshop on Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease & sympathetic ophthalmia/ The 2nd International workshop on Sarcoidosis, Singapore, Singapore; 2009/2/27