「元気あふれる北大眼科チーム! 大活躍の2023年を振り返って」
診療面では、 南場 研一 診療教授、董 震宇 外来医長、齋藤 理幸 病棟医長のもと診療委員会による堅実な運営が行われ、外来では数年にわたる安定した収益が維持され、病棟では 過去最高の手術件数に達しました。これらは、鎌田 美穂 病棟師長の率いる看護師チームと加瀬 諭 財務医長の尽力もあってのことです。膨大な術前・術後の検査数に対応できているのは、廣岡季里子 視能訓練士(ORT)主任、山下 結衣 副主任を中心とするORTチームの機動力の賜物です。
教育面では、長谷 敬太郎 教育主任によるカンファレンスの内容整備に加え、「臨床指導医育成プログラム」も順調に機能しています。この教育プログラムにより、専門分野の技術を持つ将来の指導者が育成過程にあります。教育に力を入れてきた結果、2024年度の新入局予定者は5名を確保しています。
研究面では、村田 美幸 研究主任ならびに田川義晃 副主任(臨床)、董 震宇 副主任(基礎)により、眼循環代謝学寄附分野と眼細胞生物学視覚科学研究室が円滑に運営され、研究費の安定した獲得によって充実した研究室環境と精力的な研究活動が維持されています。それは、数多くの英文論文報告や学術賞受賞にも明確に表れています。
このように、手術件数・外来収益・研究報告・学位指導など我々に課せられた使命は、満足できる実績とそれに伴う受賞をもって2023年も全うされました。これらの活動の成功は、なんといっても、診療・教育・研究の全てに関与する安藤 亮 医局長の的確な指揮に大きく依存しています。さて、2024年の北大眼科も、これまで数々の改革により構築されたシステムを堅持しつつ、さらに一層、気を引き締めて診療・教育・研究に邁進していく所存です。
Team “Ophthalmology, Hokkaido University” maintained its high level of achievements in 2023.
Nearly 15 years have passed since I was appointed to take charge of the Department of Ophthalmology at Hokkaido University in 2009. First, I would like to express my deep gratitude to its alumni association and many people who have connections to the department. In 2023, thanks to the downgrading of COVID-19 to the legal status “com-mon infectious disease”, we have vigorously managed to maintain our stably high level of achievements as we did in the pre-pandemic years. Thus, I would like to inform you about our clinical, educational and research activities in 2022 as follows:
In the clinical field, under supervision of Clinical Professor Kenichi Namba and leadership of Clinical Assistant Professors Zhenyu Dong as Outpatient Medical Director and Michiyuki Saito as Inpatient Medical Director, reliable management has well pro-ceeded with the outpatient clinic gaining a steady profit for years and the inpatient ward reaching the highest-ever number of surgeries . These achievements are also thanks to efforts of our nursing team led by Miho Kamada as Inpatient Head Nurse and Satoru Kase as Financial Medical Director. The certified orthoptist (ORT) team led by Chief ORT Kiriko Hirooka and Yui Yamashita as Vice Chief ORT showed great mobility to deal with a tremendous number of ophthalmic examinations before and after surgery .
In the education field, Education Director Keitaro Hase has taken care of the content of research confer-ences. In addition, the Clinical Instructor Training Program has been progressing smoothly . We are in the process of promoting future instructors to develop their surgical techniques in specific fields. As a result of our continuous dedication to education, our ophthalmology department will have 5 new residents in 2024 .
In the research field, Research Director MiyukiMurata, Yoshiaki Tagawa as Clinical Research Vice Director and Zhenyu Dong as Basic Research Vice Director have successfully managed the endowed Department of Ocular Circulation & Metabolism and the Laboratory of Ocular Cell Biology & Visual Science . A steady acquisition of research funds has maintained a satisfactory laboratory environment and vigorous research activities, obviously leading to many achievements including scientific papers and academic awards .
Accordingly, our tasks such as the number of opera-tions, outpatient earnings, scientific reports, and academic education were completed in 2023 together with satisfac-tory achievements and awards. Last but not the least, these successful achievements have largely depended on the outstanding guidance of Department Director and Assistant Professor Ryo Ando, who contributes to all of our clinical, educational and research activities. In 2024, we will also continue to maintain the systems established so far by our previous innovations and brace ourselves to go forward in terms of medical practice, education and research.
We deeply appreciate your continuous help and encouragement. Thank you.