- Horie Y, Meguro A, Mizuki N, Ohno S. HLA-B51 and Behcet’s disease – the possible roles of B51 in the pathogenesis of disease. 12th International Ocular Inflammation Society (IOIS) Congress: Valencia, Spain; 2014/2/27
- Ishida S. Receptor-associated prorenin system (RAPS) as the inflammatory pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy. Symposium: Inflammatory mechanisms/oxidative stress. 10th International Symposium of Ophthalmology – Hong Kong Symposium: Hong Kong, China; 2014/9/26
- Ishida S. Choroidal thickening with impaired circulation in acute idiopathic maculopathy. Symposium: Recent developments in posterior segment imaging. 10th International Symposium of Ophthalmology – Hong Kong Symposium: Hong Kong, China; 2014/9/26
- Ishida S. VEGF is pro-inflammatory in diabetic retinopathy. Retina Expert Conference 2014: Orlando, USA; 2014/5/4
- Ishida S. Principle and Clinical Application of Laser Speckle Flowgraphy (LSFG-NAVI). Ocular Circulation and Morphology with LSFG and the latest OCT: Case Presentation. World Ophthalmology Congress 2014: Tokyo, Japan; 2014/4/3
- Ishida S. VEGF: a pro-inflammatory cytokine. IOIS President’ Symposium; Recent Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Ocular inflammations and Infections. 12th International Ocular Inflammation Society (IOIS) Congress/ 2nd International Assembly of Ocular Inflammation Societies/ 27th Spanish Uveitis Study Grouop Meeting: Valencia, Spain; 2014/2/27
- Ishida S. Intraocular inflammation and renin-angiotenshin system activation. 12th International Ocular Inflammation Society (IOIS) Congress/ 2nd International Assembly of Ocular Inflammation Societies/ 27th Spanish Uveitis Study Grouop Meeting: Valencia, Spain; 2014/2/27
- Kase S. Conjunctival tumors: Innovations in Managements: Local Chemotherapy in Malignant Conjunctival Tumors. World Ophthalmology Congress 2014: Tokyo, Japan; 2014/4/3
- Kitaichi N. Uveitis – from bench to clinic. 2nd Eurasian Congress of Rheumatology: Moscow, Russia; 2014/5/23
- Kitaichi N. Immunology of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease based on experimental uveitis model findings. World Ophthalmology Congress: Tokyo, Japan; 2014/4/4
- Kitaichi N. Ocular Toxocariasis. 12th International Ocular Inflammation Society (IOIS) Congress: Valencia, Spain; 2014/3/1
- Namba K. Recent advances in the etiopathogenesis and management of ocular Behcet’s disease : Novel scoring system of ocular lesions in Behcet’s disease. World Ophthalmology Congress 2014: Tokyo, Japan; 2014/4/3
- Namba K. Paradigm shift in the treatment of ocular Behcet’s disease. 12th International Ocular Inflammation Society (IOIS) Congress/ 2nd International Assembly of Ocular Inflammation Societies/ 27th Spanish Uveitis Study Grouop Meeting: Valencia, Spain; 2014/3/1
- Noda M.Lower eyelid epiblepharon ”My lashes are touching my eyes”. Korean Society of Aesthetique Surgery: Seoul, Korea; 2014/4/26
- Noda M.Education in Oculoplastic surgery. Dong-A Friday night symposium: Busan, Korea; 2014/4/25
- Noda M.Senile entropion, Asian Eyelid Surgery. World Ophthalmology Congress 2014: Tokyo, Japan; 2014/4/4
- Ohno S, Namba K, Kitaichi N. Clinical features of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada’s disease. National Healthcare Group Eye Institute 7th International Ophthalmology Congress: Singapore, Singapore; 2014/8/7-9
- Ohno S, Namba K. Severe bilateral panuveitis seen in Japan. National Healthcare Group Eye Institute 7th International Ophthalmology Congress: Singapore, Singapore; 2014/8/7-9
- Ohno S, Kitaichi N, Namba K. Clinical pictures of ocular sarcoidosis. National Healthcare Group Eye Institute 7th International Ophthalmology Congress: Singapore, Singapore; 2014/8/7-9
- Ohno S, Namba K, Kitaichi N. New treatments of Behcet’s disease. National Healthcare Group Eye Institute 7th International Ophthalmology Congress: Singapore, Singapore; 2014/8/7-9
- Ohno S, Chin S, Shinmei Y. 360-degree trabeculotomy in uveitic glaucoma. National Healthcare Group Eye Institute 7th International Ophthalmology Congress: Singapore, Singapore; 2014/8/7-9
- Yoshizawa C. Photodynamic therapy combined with intravitreal bevacizumab and sub-tenon triamcinolone acetonide injections for age-related macular degeneration. SNOW (Sapporo Novel Ophthalmology Workshop) : Sapporo, Japan; 2014/1/17