
長谷 敬太郎


 2021年4月から、アメリカのミズーリ州セントルイスにありますワシントン大学のDr. Apteラボに留学しております。Apte医師の専門は網膜疾患であり、加齢黄斑変性の研究が中心に行われておりますが、その他にも炎症や加齢、マクロファージやミクログリアなど研究内容は多岐に渡ります。私も渡米前はApte医師が専門としている網膜疾患の研究をするものだと思っておりましたが、日本ではぶどう膜炎診療に携わっていたこともあり、Apte医師のご厚意で、ぶどう膜炎の研究をさせて頂いております。






 Since April 2021, I have been studying at the Dr. Apte Lab at Washington University in St.Louis, Missouri, USA. Dr. Apte specializes in retinal diseases, and research on age-related macular degeneration is mainly conducted. In addition, there are a wide range of research contents such as inflammation, aging, macrophages and microglia. Before I came to the      U.S., I thought that I would study about retinal diseases that he specialized in. However, I have been researching about uveitis thanks to the kindness of Dr. Apte since I had been engaged in seeing patients with uveitis.

 Although I came to the U.S. under the pandemic, the laboratory was already operated as usual. As soon as I came to the U.S., the weekly lab meeting was held online. However, we started to gather in the conference room with wearing masks since May.

 It has been about six months since I came to the U.S., and my research has finally got on the right track, even as I face various problems. Though I don't know how many results I can get in two years, I want to do my best not to regret.

 The concern before coming to the U.S. was about security and language. However, I think that we can live safely if we care about places and time. The city of Clayton where we live is like a high class residential area, and it is a so safe place that some people walk alone outside late at night. As for the language, I still have a hard time in English though 6 months have passed after coming to the U.S. However, I want to make it better until I go back to Japan.

 To conclude, I am very grateful to Professor Ishida and the medical staffs of our department for giving me such a valuable opportunity to study abroad.

↑ Dr. Apteラボのメンバーとbreweryにて。左から2番目が私