大学以外での出張や当直の外勤についても病院事務が把握されます。特に外勤での当直については、労働基準監督署から宿日直許可がでているかどうかが重要なポイントとなります。宿日直許可は「常態としてほとんど労働をする必要のない」宿日直であると認められた場合に認められ、その場合、労働基準法上の労働時間規制から適用除外となるからです。もちろん、その間に必要が生じて診療行為をおこな った場合には労働時間となります。
医師の負担を軽減する取り組みとして、診療科ごとに「オンコール体制」を導入して良いこととなりました。これまで各診療科で毎日、当直、日直をおこな ってきましたが、それを廃止し、その代わりに何かあ った際にはオンコールで対応するということです。眼科においても齋藤理幸病棟医長がオンコール体制を導入してくれました。電子カルテ・オーダリング端末(ノートパソコン)と専用スマートフォンが病院から支給され、それを持って自宅で待機します。導入時にいくつか小さなトラブルはありましたが、その後は問題なく実行されているようです。
さて、ここまで医師の働き方改革について述べてきましたが、最後にこの場をお借りして、2024年の7月におこなわれる「OIIA in Sapporo 2024: 眼炎症・感染・アレルギー学会2024 in 札幌」についてご案内させてください。3学会の合同開催ですが、そのうち第57回眼炎症学会、第7回眼科アレルギー学会の二つの学会について学会長をさせて頂きます。フォーサムの枠組みを外れて開催される初めての試みですが、これまでにない組み合わせのフュージョンにより新たな創出があるのではないかと期待しています。ふるってご参加ください。
Doctors’ work style reforms
I have been appointed to the positions of Chief of Human Resources and Clinical Professor. I am also in charge of doctors’ work style reforms in Hokkaido University Hospital, so I would like to share the the doctors’ work style reforms that we are implementing at Hokkaido University Hospital and at the Department of Ophthalmology at Hokkaido University.
As you know, doctors’ work style reforms will officially begin in April 2024. This reform is aimed at improving the current problems in medical care, which are that doctors work long hours, medical institutions do not accurately monitor the actual labor situation, and too much of the hospital's work is concentrated on doctors.
The goal is to reduce the overtime of doctors and protect their health by ensuring good work management, to shift the tasks concentrated on doctors to other medical staff through task shifting, and to ensure the quality and safety of medical care provided through these efforts.
In the Department of Ophthalmology at Hokkaido University, the working hours of doctors have increased with the increase in the number of outpatients and the number of surgeries. In particular, emergency surgeries are performed almost every day, and these surgeries often last until late at night. It seems that the medical fellows of university hospital are gradually becoming exhausted.
As part of efforts at Hokkaido University Hospital in reforming doctors’ work style, the medical institution has begun to properly monitor the actual work situation of the doctors. This is something that the medical institution should be responsible for monitoring, but it is also a very bothersome task for us. The "Dr. Joy" system has been introduced, and we are given a beacon in the shape of a key chain. The beacon automatically enters what time we arrive at work in the morning, what time we leave at night, and where we have been during the day: in the doctor's office, in the outpatient clinic, in the wards, or in the oper-ating room. Even if we are in the doctor's office, we have tomanually enter whether it is for work related to medical treatment or for self-improvement, such as preparing for a conference.
The hospital administration will also monitor external works outside of the university for clinical practices and night shifts on duty. Especially for night shifts, it is impor-tant to confirm whether the hospital has been approved "Permission to stay overnight” by the Labor Standards Inspection Office. This is because "Permission to stay over-night” is granted when the duty is "not required to work most of the time", and the period is excluded from the working tme regulations under the Labor Standards Law. Of course, if the need for medical practice arises during this period, it is considered as working time. As an initia-tive to reduce the doctors' efforts, each department is allowed to introduce an "on-call" system. In the past, each department has had a day duty and night duty every day, but this has been abolished, and instead an on-call system has been introduced to deal with any problems that may arise. In the Department of Ophthalmology, Ward Director Dr. Michiyuki Saito has introduced an on-call system. An electronic medical record/ordering device (laptop com-puter) and a smart phone are provided by the hospital, and the doctor stays at home with them. There were some minor problems at the beginning, but since then it seems to be running smoothly.
Hokkaido University Hospital has also set up a com-mittee to discuss task shiftting, and details are being discussed. Although it has not yet begun, we are currently in the process of identifying tasks that can be transferred from doctors to other professions, such as nurses and engineers. For example, standardized explanations follow-ing the documentation and ordering imaging exams. We expect that a formal notification will be issued in the near future.
While I have been discussing doctor's work style reforms, I would like to take this opportunity to announce the "OIIA in Sapporo 2024: Ocular Inflammation, Infection and Allergy Congress 2024 in Sapporo" to be held in July this year. I will be chairing two of the three conferences, the 57th Annual Meeting of Japanese Ocular Inflammation Society and the 7th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Ocular Allergy. This will be the first time that these conferences will be held outside the framework of Foursome, and I look forward to seeing the new creations that will result from this unprecedented combination of fusion. We look forward to your participation.