眼免疫学 Ocular Inflammation & Immunology

グループチーフ:北市 伸義



ぶどう膜炎モデル:実験的自己免疫性ぶどう膜網膜炎(EAU)を用いて、新薬候補の評価に挑戦しています。(1)コンピューター分子設計役候補として、プラスミノーゲン活性化因子阻害因子(PAI-1)阻害薬を検討しています。PAI-1 は炎症局所でマクロファージの組織内遊走を誘導するため、阻害によりぶどう膜炎の軽症化と組織傷害を軽減できるという仮説を立て、実際に良好な結果が得られつつあります。(2)アンギオポイエチン(Ang)2と血管内皮増殖因子(VEGF)阻害薬はいずれもぶどう膜炎に対して抑制的に作用しますが、1剤で同時に両者を標的とする新薬候補の効果を検討中です。(3)上皮成長因子(EGF)受容体シグナル伝達経路に着目してぶどう膜炎モデルへの効果を検討中です。


国際共同研究ベーチェット病を中心に、ロシア、カザ フ スタン、キルギズスタン、モンゴル、ヨルダン王国などと共同研究を進めています。

分子遺伝学的研究ベーチェット病は口腔内症状がほぼ必発です。国内、海外の唾液検体から患者のDNAタイピング、口腔内細菌叢の DNA を同時に抽出、次世代シ ーケンサーを用いて口腔環境と全身状態の関連、自己抗体を解析しています。






Ocular Inflammation & Immunology Group


◎ Uveitis models: Effects of new drug-candidates on experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU), an animal model for human endogenous uveitis, are examined. (1) Computer-designed candidate drug inhibiting PAI-1 (Figure), (2) anti-angiopoietin 2 and anti-VEGF bispecific antibody, and (3) behavior of oxidized phospholipid in uvieitis are current our subjects in vivo.

◎ Photodamage model: Effects of new drug-candidates on photodamage of retinal cells are examined. The xanthine oxidoreductase inhibitor is expected to slow the progression of chronic retinal degeneration in animal models.

◎ International collaborative study: Clinical features of Behcet’s patients are surveyed in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for international collaborative study.

◎ Molecular study: Most Behcet’s patients have oral symptoms. Samples are collected from their oral cavities, then, HLA, autoantibody and oral microbiota are analyzed. We discovered a candidate molecule as a diagnostic marker for Behcet’s disease. In addition, a genus is significantly different in Behcet’s patients compared to healthy controls among Mongolian people.

◎ Clinical research: Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), several growth factors and their ligands, and PAI-1 are quantified in the sera and vitreous fluid among uveitis patients.

◎ Adenoviral bioinformatics: Bioinformatics finds out the molecular evolution of human adenovirus species D collaborated with Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University. Species D is a major cause of human epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. Clinical features from a fixed-point observation are also analyzed.

◎ Food factors: It is known that some food factors are effective for eyestrain associated with ocular micro inflammation. This year, 2 prospective double-blinded randomized control clinical trials of antioxidants were performed.